The Indie Equation

The Unholy Marriage of Music and Math.



The Indie Equation is on a break. Here's a couple reasons why:

1. I've taken a closer look at the stats for the page and I notice that while I receive a good number of hits per day, they're all google image searches resulting in false positives as visits. My actual returning reader base is at most 6 people. While I love and appreciate those 6 people, as well as all those one timers that left a comment or signed the mutha-luvin Guestbook, my life is too hectic at the moment to keep it going with no returns. I started this page because the idea cracked me up, I moved to a weekly issue schedule to make it easier on potential readers to stay posted, now I find that it's more of a chore to find some band to dismantle just to make a post than it would be to just let the funny come naturally. What I'm saying is, if there are genuinely people out there who want to see this site leave it's mark, you need to let me know. Even if it's just a short note saying hello, at least I know you've been here long enough to actually look at one equation. To me that's enough. The next equation will be posted whenever the muse moves me, after that, we'll see. In the meantime, if you've read this drop off a comment. I need to take stock of who's out there.

2: It's my birthday, so I'm partying not doing math, even if it is fake math.

Thank you and have a pleasant day.
Oh, and keep rocking.



  • At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I check here every other day to see if there are new equations
    but i'm weird. this site is neat.

  • At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i love this site. could you please do some gurrrrls? (ani, tori, pjh, bjork, sinead, regina spektor...)

  • At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, this is Cherdan, you know, from Audioscrobbler. I've been reading this site at least once a week since I first stumbled upon it. It really is quite clever and innovative. Bummer more people don't know about it. Maybe you need to do some more PR?

  • At 2:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Make with the clever mathematics or else your little dvd player is gonna be sleepin with the fishes, you follow?

  • At 9:19 AM, Blogger lilmammal said…

    Come back Justin. Come back!

  • At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    omg... who are you... how do you do this... i'm amazed, even if i accidently stumbled across this blog when i typed "damien rice" into Google (sorry) but this page ROCKS!! :D

  • At 2:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Count me double, I'm from Italy.
    I came across your site by google image search, if I were you I wouldn't be so disappointed ;)

    Nice job anyway. Could be my last occasion of finding any kind of interest in Maths, by the way.

  • At 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am bookmarking this site, as one the best blogs to read :) Just like Gracie I am here because of Damien Rice picture. I wanted to see how he looks like after I read Renee Zellweger 'is being consoled by' him. But now I'll visit this site often :) Love your math!

  • At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I quite enjoy this. Found it buy trying to find pics of Sondre Lerche, and was amused. Find a muse and make some more!

  • At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    like katj i stumbled upon all of this by googling sondre lerche images, you've charmed me! i'm bookmarking :)

  • At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i like this. i found your site through a link on my friend's livejournal. you will be bookmarked!

  • At 12:51 PM, Blogger citybuoy said…

    hahaha, added u to my links. anyways, i did find your blog when i googled pete yorn and ive been dropping by ever since. hope u update soon. :D


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